Lease to Own
Are you working to fix your credit? Have you been employed for less than a year or own your business? Have you had a short sale, bankruptcy or foreclosure? If you answered yes to any of these questions then you understand it’s difficult to obtain a mortgage today. If you need additional time to work on improving your situation but want the opportunity of ownership today then the lease with an option to purchase is your perfect opportunity.
In a Nutshell
CENTURY 21 Professional Group is the largest producing rent to own team in Florida. We help renters and/or potential homeowners consider an alternative path to home ownership by reviewing the Lease with a Right to Purchase program. Once you’re approved, one of our five specialized CENTURY 21 Realtors will help you shop from hundreds of available homes.
Our goal is to provide residential tenants with an experience that is 100% transparent and honest. We accomplish this by inviting every candidate to review the program in it’s entirety and we invite you to ask as many questions as you please. If you’re ready for an alternative path to home ownership while providing an attractive lease structure then continue reading below.
How it works
Step 1: Review the Qualifying Criteria to understand the program.
Step 2: Review the Key Considerations and request the Application instructions.
Step 3: Get approved, meet our agents then go home shopping with EXP Realty Team.
Step 4: The equity group purchases the home, you lease it, then you will have the right to purchase it later when you’re ready to obtain a mortgage.